88 Lions Gate 2020 Meaning

In this transmission, we are being called to come together to fully and completely activate our galactic Lyran feline DNA.

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88 lions gate 2020 meaning. Eventbrite - Hope Interfaith Center presents 8-8 Lion's Gate - Saturday, August 8, - Find event and ticket information. The Lions Gate Portal will start on 26 th and will reach its full state on 8 th August. The 8-8- Lions Gate Activation Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called “the Lions Gateway”.

Sirius – A Rising Star. The Lions Gate Portal opened on July 21st as we entered Leo season, right after the New Moon in Cancer and closes on August 12th. Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called “the Lions Gateway”.

You may say that this has been so for many years, and indeed you would be right as the path of Transformation and Ascension. The Lions Gate has ties to ancient Egypt and for Thousands of years has been observed and honored as a time of a great energetic influx and activation!. TIME August 8th, 8:08am your local time (it is recommended to use the guided audio below for this meditation) 1.

Power and Transformation. The surge of energy activates our DNA and energy field. Lions Gate Portal 8.8. Posted on August 8, by Aurum Astrology Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called “the Lions Gateway”.

During this time you can leap into deeper alignment with harmony, peace & joy!. The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. It will start closing by 12 th August.

Since the July 31st Blue Moon, we have all been feeling huge shifts in energy. For WATCHING and SUBSCRIBING to my channel. Our Unity Meditation will occur at 8:08AM PDT, however anytime on the 8/8 is fine to add your light and intention.

August 8, by Erin Touponse, posted in energy healing, mystical studies, Reiki Healing. The Royal Lion Guardians of “Yesterday ” and “Tomorrow” stand posted at the Gateway, ready to admit those who are balanced in their hearts to the Sacred Spiral of Masterful Co-Creation on Planet Earth. You may say that this has been so for many years, and indeed you would be right as the path of Transformation and Ascension has unfolded before you.

From the sky perspective, this event is marked by the heliacal rising of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. 7, If you're not already feeling the powerful roar of Leo season in your life, trust that you will soon — because on Aug. THANK YOU SO MUCH!.

I have hopes of a cosmic awakening as much as the next red blooded new age person, and certainly there is a lot to learn from numerology (8 being the number of transformation), but when these writers claim that this is an. Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn ~~~~~ Beloved Ones, you are standing on the cusp of great change. Sirius rises each year during midsummer and is associated with new beginnings, new insights, new light, new awareness, and new thinking, and brings with it new.

The LION’S GATE PORTAL activation happens every year from July 26th – August 12th. The 8-8 Stargate is a cosmic portal of tremendous power that opened on July 26th (the first day of the Egyptian calendar) and closes August 12th. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

Things in our lives …. The 8-8- Lions Gate Activation. Sophia and the Feminine Divine Light.

All is exactly as it supposed to be in the order of light We want you to know, at our help is. Often called the Dog Days of Summer, the star Sirius (Dog Star) rises and sets with our sun between July 3 and August 11th. This Lion's Gate Activation will especially align your 5th Dimensional Chakra Chakras such as the Stellar Gateway and Earth Star Chakras.

The Lionsgate Portal is activated by the numerology of 8/8, the Sun in Leo Season, and the rising of the star, Sirius. For me, this year, Lion’s Gate feels particularly potent. The Lion’s Gate will remain opened from August 8th to the 14th.

If you’ve never heard of it, now is the time to find out so you can participate in this powerful, celestial heart-opening event that occurs this weekend on August 8 th. So I’ve created a video (above) on how to make the most of the entire portal period (July 26 – August 12) as well as the apex date of 8/8. Every year we honor this sacred time, and invite you to share this special time with us.

July 26 begins a new galactic year, and the start of the annual August 8 Lion's Gate portal - an incredibly powerful time of year!. This is one of the most potent illustrations of the passion that was unleashed during the 8-8-8 portal that happened on 8-8 in 15 (which is an 8 year 2+0++1+5 = 8). Valuable clarity is received through the heart chakra.

This channel took place on the eve of the Lion’s Gate for 16. Complete Embodiment of the Soul as we enter the 19/ Creative Cycle. One must be silent to hear the ancient wisdom.

13 th marks the time to move forward guided by the Heart of the Lion and the Royal Lion Star Teachers. Lions Gate 8.8. It’s time again to step through the Lion’s Gate!. Beloved Ones, once again it is the time of the Lions Gate and the Planetary New Year.

The Hermit ~ Greater Meaning as we approach the 8.8 Lions Gateway August 5, ;. Lions Gate 8.8. I'm Aslorion, and I want you to know, that everything is perfectly alright. The Lion Gate is the sole surviving monumental piece of Mycenaean sculpture, as well as the.

There was a rare amazing alignment with Regulus. Sirius, the fixed star considered to be our spiritual sun rises unimpeded. The ancient Egyptians celebrated the annual event when Star Sirius aligned with the Great Pyramid forming a frequency receptor of celestial light transmission.

The Lion’s Gate opens every year around July 26 and stays open until about August 12 – reaching its peak on August 8, activating a tremendous amount of star power energy. August 8th marks the 8:8 Lionsgate that occurs during the time of Leo the Lion, when Earth aligns with Star Sirius and the Galactic Center (as mentioned in our July Crystal Skull Guardian Newsletter). / 8/8 Lions Gate 19 :.

Step through the Lion’s Gate on 8/8 to receive infinite empowerment!. > LION’S GATE Portal (8:8:21) “A time when energies are SUPERCHARGED. Numerologically and celestially, August 8 (8/8) is a special time for a great infusion of solar energy.

The intensity of the frequency of number 8 is the reason why August 8th is considered the peak moment of the activation of the Lion’s Gate. In the peak flow of the Lion’s Gate 8~8 (8th day of the 8th month, with this heightened flow of beautiful loving frequencies continuing through to around August 15th), we’re asked to centre deeply and peacefully in our Hearts of Love, and open to receive and ground the high Light streaming through this Gateway. The Lion's Gate Portal will be opening on Saturday, August 8th, , and I wanted to give you all a free attunement that will help you transition through this portal more easily.

Saturn and Pluto are gathering, in retrograde, in the 10th house of Capricorn, while on the 8/8 which is the apex of the Gate period, the Moon and Mars will be in Aries. This combination of energy opens a galactic portal that allows high vibrational energy to be sent to Earth, which we can all tune in and connect with. 8, the blazing sun in Leo will link up with the bright star.

On the 8-8 Earth aligns with both Sirius and our Sun, a very powerful alignment charged with the Heart of the Lion. The Lion Gate was the main entrance of the Bronze Age citadel of Mycenae, southern Greece.It was erected during the 13th century BC, around 1250 BC in the northwest side of the acropolis and is named after the relief sculpture of two lionesses or lions in a heraldic pose that stands above the entrance. These may be called portals, doorways, vortices or other names;.

Regulus is known as the Heart of the Lion and is the brightest star in the constellation, Leo. The powerful energies of the Lion’s Gate portal are assisting Gaia through the Gateways of Time and into the higher dimensions that are guarded by the Royal Sirian Lions of yesterday and tomorrow. Its energy transfer to Earth peaks on August 8th when Sirius rises in the east and is visible on the horizon just before the sun rises.

But that does not mean the benefits need to stop there. Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, posted on 8 July 19 Tweet. And the more easily you will transit through this Lions Gate on the 8/8.

It’s known as the Lion’s Gate Portal and it’s a big opportunity to step into a new dimension of self. Integration July 2, ;. 8-8 Lions Gate The Living Power of the New Human Prototype.

LIONS GATE Channeled by Celia Fenn Joy and creation <3 xxx Beloved Ones, once again it is the Time of the Lions Gate and the Planetary New Year. On July 22, , with a blast of Supra Advanced Light Codes (in part through the Neowise Comet,) the passageway into the unprecedented Lions Gate on the 8-8 was opened. Reaching strength in this highly charged 8-8 Lions Gate.

The Divinity of Cats & Dogs June 16, ;. Beloved Ones, once again it is the time of the Lions Gate and the Planetary New Year. As if the cosmic cacophony of retrogrades (messenger planet Mercury in Leo, energetic Mars in Aquarius, stalwart Saturn in Capricorn, Pluto in Capricorn and now Uranus in Taurus!) solar and lunar eclipses, blood moons, and all the rest of it weren’t enough—there is another layer of energetic opportunity that peaks on August 8 (8-8) called the Lion’s Gate.

Some Angelic Guidance for Today June 6, ;. I also do monthly Zodi. In this video, we will exp.

A client sent me this article last week about the “Lions Gate Portal.” Reports of the a cosmic portal that opens on 8/8 began circulating on the internet in 15. 8/8 Lions Gate 19 ~ Complete Embodiment of the Soul as We Enter the 19/ Creative Cycle By:. A message from Celia Fenn.

The Royal Lion Guardians of “Yesterday” and “Tomorrow” stand posted at the Gateway, ready to admit those who are balanced in their hearts to the Sacred Spiral of Masterful Co-Creation on Planet Earth. We celebrate it on this date even though, astronomically, the exact day of the rising of Sirius slightly changes each year. 8/8 Lions Gate 19 :.

Don’t be afraid of this potential pushing you into an egotistical state;. Every year around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year, there is a cosmic alignment called the Lion’s Gateway. A time of INFINITE ABUNDANCE.

#4 – Focus On The Future. The Crowning Jewel in the Eye of Love May 11,. From 19 to the year.

“Welcome to the August Lions Gate Portal Energy + Ascension Update!. Embrace the energy and confidence when it comes. Every year the epicenter of the Lion’s Gate Portal is on 8/8, this year it falls on a Saturday.

New Stargates and the mid-August Shift. Message from Archangel Michael. While the collective trajectory is unshakeable, we utilize the collective Lion’s Gate ceremonies to amplify what occurs in the second half of August.

Sunday, 19 July, (posted 22 July, ). CECIL - THE ROYAL STAR OF THE LION. There are different times during the year when the energy comes into the earth in a more amplified way.

It will be a time full of power. 8:8 Lions Gate transmission The 8.8 lions Gate transmission will take place on the 8th of August at 8: p.m. For Lionsgate Forecast check here We have all been receiving huge planetary downloads in recent months and the biggest is yet to come with the opening of the Stargate or Lionsgate portal today, August 8th, 15.

5.00 pm (UK), 12.00 Noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00am PT. The Search for Sacred Wisdom :. Reflections On Becoming the Rainbow Bridge and the Lion's Gate Portal 8/8 by ladycyanne Reflections On Becoming the Rainbow Bridge and the Lion's Gate Portal 8/8 Whatever tragedy leading to the death of image george floyd on his fated-ful day with the City of Minneapolis police four;.

The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. Consciously claim your alignment with all that is!. The images of that day live infamy within….

The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. Another Diamond Spiral of Time is being birthed through the Leo Gateway of the 8/8. The 8-8 Lions Gate opens the ‘hallways of time’ to ancient history when Sirian Masters traveled to Earth and taught the principles of Ascension.

Complete Embodiment of the Soul as we enter the 19/ Creative Cycle. The 8:8 Lion's Gateway always brings us an influx of solar codes and an opportunity to embrace our inner warrior, our Sovereignty. Representing the presence of the Divine in the Self, the Lion’s energy tells us to access ascension codes and higher consciousness that the two solar bodies are emitting.

Brings in a new energy, which in frequency is a double master number, a double 2 to empower the Divine Feminine and a double 0 to suggest the Void, the Zero and the germination of a new seed that will be danced into manifestation by the. Remember, the Lion’s Gate is a time of balance. Every year, the Lion’s Gate Portal, a star gate, opens from July 26 to August 12, and peaks exactly today, August 8.However, this year, the portal offers even more potent energy in terms of numerology, as today is 8/8.

I specialize in Twin Flame and Divine Soulmate In Depth Tarot Readings. Speaking in spiritual terms, today marks a very important day for us all energetically. 8 August Time :.

On the 8th of August, the alignment reaches its highest point, and this gateway is known as the “8:8 Lion’s Gate” due to it peaking on August 8th in Leo, represented by a lion. The Lions Gate Blessing and Message From Crystal Skull Amar August 8, ;. See a large Violet Flame enveloping your body and your home.

Another Diamond Spiral of Time is being birthed through the Leo Gateway of the 8/8. But most intense on 8.8.-8.18, ten full days-every single month. The reason why the 8:8 Portal is called Lionsgate is that it occurs as the Sun transits in Leo.

8-8 LIONS GATE GLOBAL MEDITATION INSTRUCTIONS. It is said that the powerful energies of the Lion’s Gate portal…. This creates a harmonious portal that unites “matter and antimatter”.

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